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Old 12th May 2017, 08:43 PM
LaughingWindows LaughingWindows is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Toronto, Canada

The one that will endlessly fascinate me is the infamous Amityville Killings of the Defeo family in November 1974. Ronald "Butch" Defeo wiping out his mother, father, brothers, and sisters. 6 dead it was like he unleashed Hell on his family. Funny well not funny intriguing thing that night NO ONE heard a thing? unlike the portrayed in the movies they were many neighbours that could have heard something not one gun shot heard and it was only lightly raining that night. In the movies it seems the house is rather isolated perhaps in the middle of nowhere so untrue. Another thing is Butch's endless different accounts that happened that night one where he said his sister Dawn was involved in the killings. Also have to add Butch's drinking and drug problem with a vile temper like his abusive father.Maybe he was possessed?? Why did it take him so long to do it though? Was it a mob hit as Defeo senior was known to be very friendly with mobsters. Than of course the Amityville story took a more supernatural turn...
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