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Old 9th June 2017, 02:03 PM
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SymbioticFunction SymbioticFunction is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Chichester, UK.

Watched the director's cut of Ridley Scott's Legend last night. Is a very enjoyable fairy-tale film with outstanding make-up by Rob Bottin (Tim Curry is totally unrecognizable as Darkness). btw I always give a wry smile that the evil appearance of Princess Lily is basically just a goth.

My region friendly US bd has both director's cut and US theatrical viewing options. With different soundtracks - Jerry Goldsmith on one version and Tangerine Dream on the other. I always opt for the longer cut of the film but do love the Tangerine Dream music (I even own it on cd), is amazing that the TD music was supposedly created in just 3 weeks.

One odd thing about the Goldsmith score is that it uses exactly the same music as a Psycho II main theme at one point. I guess that since his music was initially rejected, Jerry thought that it was safe to reuse. Film score - 7.5/10.
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