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Old 18th July 2017, 11:38 AM
Michael Brooke Michael Brooke is online now
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Nov 2011

Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
I might be the odd one out but I prefer it when labels do bespoke extras rather than all re-using the same ones.
If the extras come with the package (as is often the case with major studio licenses: if they produced the extras for a DVD, the chances are they'll be included), I'll happily recycle them on my own productions.

But if I have to license them separately, I treat them as I would all other potential content and decide whether it's worth what are always limited funds. Sometimes the rightsholder wants so much that the decision is made for me - for instance, on Eureka's Three Days of the Condor (I wasn't surprised, as it was very much in StudioCanal's interest for Eureka not to acquire their extras, as it would make their own conveniently Region B European edition unattractive to UK importers) - and at other times I genuinely don't think that the older extra adds anything significant to what's also going in the package. Or at least not enough to justify a fee that I think could be spent more effectively elsewhere.

My production mentor Roma Gibson always taught me that the worst sin you can commit is excessively overlapping material, and while it's often impossible to avoid some overlap (especially if you're licensing two separate third-party extras), it's good to keep it to a minimum.
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