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Old 10th August 2017, 11:31 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

It stains the sands red.

A woman escaping a zombie epidemic in Las Vegas finds herself forced to walk through the desert after her car breaks down and her boyfriend gets eaten. She makes her way through the desolate sun blasted wilderness while pursued by the zombie that ate her boyfriend. It refuses to give up pursuit, so while she's stronger and smarter than the ghoul, its single mindedness slowly begins to ware her down. As she progresses the journey starts to become one of self discovery.
Its really tough to do anything new with the Zombie genre. Its become something of a cottage industry and at times it feels like you can't throw a stick without hitting one. That said there are still decent ones being made and for me this fell into that category. For the most part its the woman being pursued by the zombie and the film-makers manage to get a lot of mileage out of this. When characters do appear they tend to be rather sleazy and quite dangerous. Its to the films credit that a lot of reveals are done without a ton of exposition and the central characters journey from misfit to survivor is well realised.

Sharknado 5

Pretty much like the last four. So your either going to love it or your not at all bothered. This time there's a bunch of pro-Trump rhetoric thrown in for some odd reason, lots of actresses whose faces might melt if the lights are too bright and the usual trashy cheap effects work. Honestly I'm getting a little tired of them now and the whole 'so bad its good' thing works better when the creative team are genuinely ignorant of the train wrecks they are making, not deliberately manufactured. Makes me want to watch shark exorcist again because that was so bad I'm fairly certain it wasn't intentionally so.

Armed response

A team of black ops specialists have to infiltrate a government facility to find out what happened to the team stationed there. Its a secret installation with a complex A.I designed to assist in interrogation of suspected terrorists. The A.I seems to be messing with the teams minds, however its soon becomes clear that something else entirely might be going on.
Its a bit unfair of me to drop a final judgement on this one as I was pretty tired at that point and drifting off through certain scenes. What I can say is that it appears to be a technically competent horror/thriller that falls into the slow burner category with loads of wandering through dark corridors. I really need to see it again though.
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