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Old 23rd December 2009, 08:27 PM
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Peter Neal Peter Neal is offline
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Originally Posted by reaper72 View Post
We need Peter Neal here I think-he'll know ALL the films released this year!
Thanks reaps, but IF I had invested more time and resources to catch up with all the horrors of 2009, I would have faced a completely different horror at the hands of my wife...

This was imho a very good year for genre fare, so here come my top 10 horrors of 2009:

1. Martyrs
(Caught that one in Helsinki theatre filled with over 50% of female viewers- with only one bloke leaving halfway through.)
Best of the line of strong French horrors- and i rate this, "High Tension" and "Inside" among the best horrors of this decade!

2. Eden Lake
Non-UK-audiences caught up with this perfect example of intelligent, thought provoking MODERN horror in early '09.

3. The Children
Same here. "The Children" is a well crafted modern piece of genre filmmaking that's particularly a tough watch for parents.

4. "Cradle Will Fall"
A mum going mental, trying to murder her own kids....Strong stuff and an unthinkable topic only a decade back. Instense, well photographed and acted.

5. "Deadgirl"
Forget "Mandy Lane": THIS is THE best teen horror flick of this decade!

6. "The Last House on the Left"
So far, the best of the current wave of classic 70's/80's horror remakes, which suceeds in doing a remake's job: Taking the original's themes and giving them also a NARRATIVE update. Good performances too.

7. "Embodiment of Evil"
José Mojica Marins concluding his "Coffin Joe" trilogy 40 (!) years later...the man was lightyears ahead in the 60's//70's, so having him return to his very own brand of "torture porn" NOW feels very, very right in place!

8. "Trick r Treat"
Best anthology film in ages- classy, fast paced, just the right kind of "retro fodder" with some nice twists down the line.

9. "Saw VI"
Most likely the very best "part VI" ever added to a popular horror franchise so far, "Saw VI" wraps up the series' story line nicely, so the already announced "Saw VII" will have to do quite a job not to feel too unneccesary and forced.

10. "Laid to Rest"
It seems to be a minority opinion, but I really enjoyed this modern stab at the slasher genre a lot. Great spaltter fx and some likeable ADULT leads!

Other good/entertaining/interesting horrors were "Smash Cut", "Babysitter Wanted", "My Bloody Valentine 3D", "Autopsy", "The Hills Run Red", "Manhunt" and "Grotesque".
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