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Old 20th August 2017, 12:16 AM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

Cherry Tree


This came up on the Horror channel and thought i'd give it a watch because the adverts for it made it seem intriguing.

Well we have a story about a teenage school girl who lives with her father, when dad develops Leukemia and becomes ill she is obviously worried for him and her future.
As luck would have it there's a coven of witches who meet under a Cherry tree who tell the girl that they can cure her father, only downside is she has to become pregnant and give it up to the witches for their dark purposes.

I found this reasonably well acted and the photography was good, there is an 80's horror vibe to it i thought, with some gore and boobs and some effective scenes of prosthetic style effects and faces being ripped of that all reminded me of Hellraiser type stuff.

The witches coven seems to have a fixation with centipedes and there are a lot of scenes of these creatures crawling about and burrowing into skin which are quite unsettling.Also for some reason the coven likes wearing old sacks over their heads in a 'Batman begins' Scarecrow style.

So i quite enjoyed this up to a point and would certainly watch it again sometime, but it was let down by a script that seemed a bit scattershot, and not enough characterisation to make you really feel for the characters, also the ending seemed a bit rushed and underwhelming.

But i would definitely say it is better than a lot of the tat that turns up on the horror channel and the head witch is quite sexy too.

An interesting 7/10

MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.

Last edited by nosferatu42; 20th August 2017 at 01:20 PM.
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