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Old 14th September 2017, 04:36 PM
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The best way to kick off your VR journey for me is with VR Worlds it's a sort of demo disc but it's a great experience and the perfect way to see what the headset is capable of and its a more relaxed way than other games i have played to get you started. VR Worlds has five different games and you should be able to pick it up for 20 queen heads at this stage.

London Heist

By far my favourite game in this collection. London Heist puts you in the shoes of a villain involved in a heist to steal a diamond from the Russian. We kick off with you tied to a chair in a garage with a giant cockney gangster screaming at you wanting to know where the diamond is so we can assume right off the bat that the heist went wrong. The following levels are going back over what happened and the cut scene at the end of each level takes us back to the present with the gang you are working with trying to unravel the true events of the previous day.

This is where the PS Move controllers come into action one for the gun the other for picking up clips to reload your gun giving you the full feeling of total emersion. The graphics in London Heist are fantastic it really feels like you are in the garage fearing for your life or when you are speeding down the motorway shooting out the windows taking out the Russians in cars Jeeps and on motorcycles. The guns feel real like they have proper weight to them and the firing of the guns is so satisfying.

London Heist is an amazing experience unfortunately it's a short game but what's there is top notch and shows that VR can only get better if this is how it looks and feels so early in the technology.

Motion Sickness
The big thing with VR is motion sickness and with this game there is none of that because while things are moving and your head and arms move you are always sitting in game so motion sickness is none existent.

I would give London Heist an 8/10 if it was longer it would be a solid 9/10

londonheist2-e1458086371919.jpg LondonHeist_Getaway_PSVR02_1436198682.jpg maxresdefault.jpg maxresdefault (1).jpg
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