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Old 13th December 2017, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I disagree. It's impossible to watch individual events in Trick r Treat.

In Creepshow etc the linking story is separate. There isn't a framing story to Trick r' Treat. If there is, which one is it? Characters move in and out of all the tales. All the events interlink and all take place in the same evening. You can't suggest the likes of Vault of Horror do the same.

I'm not sure you lot have watched Trick r Treat recently.
I admit it's been over a year, but I remember distinct stories involving different themes, families and other assorted. On Wikipedia it says about the film that "It centers on four Halloween-related horror stories. One common element that ties the stories together is the presence of Sam, a mysterious child trick-or-treater wearing shabby orange footie pajamas with a burlap sack over his head, who makes an appearance in all the stories whenever a character breaks Halloween traditions."

For me, that is enough to put it into the anthology rather than hyperlink category, but if you feel different than you are more than welcome to leave it off your list!
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