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Old 19th December 2017, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Cinematic Shocks View Post
I’m seeing The Last Jedi tomorrow. I’m all for a film that has the balls to do something radically different to any previous entry in the franchise. Something that moves it forward to potentially exciting new vistas, but has the right balance to have enough callbacks to the spirit of the original trilogy, to keep it from having a sense of disconnect to those films, but without the heavy-handed references to what it is tied to, as The Force Awakens had.

I thought The Force Awakens was pretty good as a set-up for everything to follow that successfully relaunched the brand, but it just played it too safe pandering to nostalgia with the aforementioned overused blatent references, and was a near beat for beat remake of A New Hope. This is what annoyed me about it. It’s at least better than the first two prequels, but I think Revenge of the Sith is superior. I think Rogue One is the only addition to be on par with the original trilogy, and just pips Return of the Jedi to make it into my top 3 Star Wars films.

My current rankings before seeing The Last Jedi:

The Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
Rogue One
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
The Force Awakens
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace
exactly how i would rate them and i would put last jedi in the same place as return of the jedi
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