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Old 23rd January 2018, 08:01 AM
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New RoboCop movie in development, direct sequel to original
There's some kind of new RoboCop movie in the works, and it isn't a reboot.

Is there anything more frustrating than the RoboCop franchise? The first movie is an undisputed classic, and it would be enough for it to be merely one of the greatest action/sci-fi movies ever made. The fact that it has a thread of sharp (and more and more prescient) satire woven through it only makes it better. As a standalone genre film, it can stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Alien, The Terminator, and yes, even Star Wars.

But unlike those other films, whose respective franchises have some highs beyond their first installments, RoboCop...does not. We can charitably call RoboCop 2 a divisive movie, and even its defenders are unlikely to argue that it bests the original. RoboCop 3...happened. There were some attempts to make RoboCop work on TV in live action, with uneven results, and there was a brutally sanitised Saturday morning cartoon. The 2014 remake was better than expected but ultimately, like the sequels, failed to live up to the legacy of the original.

But like the Frankenstein Christ allegory that he always has been, RoboCop will never stay dead. And RoboCop co-creator Ed Neumeier just revealed that "they have me working on a new one at MGM right now so maybe we'll get another one out of it."
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