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Old 2nd March 2018, 02:17 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

Slaughter hotel

Set in a rural villa modified into a sanatorium for wealthy female clients and run by the enigmatic Dr. Francis Clay played by Klaus Kinski. The film has the various 'troubled' guests including an incest driven nymphomaniac, a suicide case and a lesbian all of whom are being stalked by an axe wielding maniac who is terrorising the area.
From Fernando Di Leo, Slaughter hotel is a greasy, sleazy, thoroughly entertaining slice of mayhem with enough in it to recommend it to trash enthusiasts. Given the quality of his Poliziotteschi its hard at times to reconcile this as the same director as Calibre 9. It's fun but as its been edited from numerous different prints its incredibly choppy in terms of editing and soundtrack. However Euro trash enthusiasts will still have a good time.

Stunt Squad

A mafiosi is sending warnings to people not wiliing to pay protection money by setting off bombs in their place of business. Naturally the police are not happy with this so an inspector is given permission to set up a special team of bikers to kick organised crimes arse.
As trashy as it sounds, the actual experience of watching stunt squad is a good one. Its balls to the wall mental in terms of stunts, violence and revenge. Genuine fun.
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