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Old 6th March 2018, 02:33 AM
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

Queens of evil


Pretty obscure fantasy/horror that i was vaguely aware of from it being featured in the 'Art of the Nasty' book, i thought it sounded interesting so when i noticed it on Youtube i decided to give it the once over.
(Although the print is only VHS quality)

The film begins with a hippified Ray Lovelock driving about to a Dylan style song (which Lovelock sang) till he comes across a broken down old guy in a posh car.
Helping the guy fix it they start having a conversation about the hippy lifestyle which disgusts the man, the pair have a falling out and this ultimately ends with the old guy crashing into a tree and dying.

Feeling a bit on edge Lovelock decides to go off road when he spots some cops and heads into some woods, finding a shed to sleep in he crashes out.
On awakening he finds himself being welcomed by three young women who live a secluded lifestyle in a solitary house deep in the woods.


The rest of the film follows him being slowly seduced by the women in turn, and being bewildered and bewitched by their strange lifestyle, supernatural abilities and pop art house (giant portraits of the women on the walls and trees in the living room).

The film has a fairytale/myth style atmosphere, with moments recalling tales of Hansel and Gretel/ Goddesses and even Biblical elements all played out in that early 70's Euro cult way with some dodgy editing and music.

I really enjoyed the surreal feel and although the final denouement seemed a bit underwhelming it's a film i think should at least have a U.K DVD release because it has a lot of interesting stuff going on.

Although it has to be said that apart from one scene there's not much in the way of blood and the lovemaking scenes don't really show the goods, which is a shame because if the film had been a bit juicier i'm sure it would have a bigger following.

Even from the bad copy i watched you can tell it would look beautiful in a decent print.(which somebody must own,just take a look at this trailer.)

As it was i really enjoyed it, it's really a mood piece but luckily i was in the right kind of mood at the time.


MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.

Last edited by nosferatu42; 6th March 2018 at 05:33 AM.
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