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Old 4th April 2018, 09:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Rob4 View Post
whilst i thoroughly enjoy the movie i agree that it is shit. Jackson clearly set out to ape Troma and only managed one notch above their average efforts

Not saying its classic and itll never get any awards of any kind, its a decent leave ya brain and enjoy it for what it is.
And after all a lot of directors film start from something pretty naff , after all if you don't know much about films and directors you wouldn't believe its same person that gone on to make Lord of the rings, like his film or not he gone from strength to strength and got better as he goes long. We all got to start from somewhere or as expression goes from bottom and work yourself up, it's enjoyable trash.
A lot of troma films are defiantly hit and miss and they are aimed to be awfull and vast majority of us do have a handful of troma films in our collection, sometimes I think awfull films are occasionally more enjoyable than a lot of the Blockbusters and stuff that comes from Hollywood these days, some can tell they try to hard and fail.
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