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Old 9th April 2018, 07:06 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Went to see this on Saturday, was not expect much after the some what lacklustre trailer i saw. But it was only 4.99 and i glad i did.

It really is a film that needs to be seen on the big screen. it really is a love letter for geeks, gamers and children of the 80s, if you are none of those its still a fun film, but you won't get a lot of the easter eggs etc that litter the film. you name it it probably in the movie someplace,the standout one being the whole Shining scene set in the overlook. you can spend the entire film seeing what, what and still end up missing a lot of the references etc. heard some complaints about the CGI but it fits the film perfectly with it being VR and really shouldn't look realistic. its good to see that Spielberg can still make the film that made his name, the family pleasing block buster, might not be up there with the likes of ET etc but still a great film and one i look forward to adding to my collection. 8.4/10
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