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Old 15th April 2018, 11:10 AM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Oxford

The Hurricane Heist. Sky Movies.

By the numbers typical American crap. Not even entertaining crap. My wife, who normally laps this sort of shit up looked at me and said, "This is crap!" Released in cinemas and on Sky at the same time, which should tell you all you really need to know. Somehow I don't see it raking it in at the box office.

Jim Jeffries. Freedumb. Netflix.

Aussie comic who I hadn't seen before made me laugh till I cried. I'm fussy about stand up comedy and the list of comedians that can make me sit there stony faced is endless, Chris Rock, Ricky Gervais, that posh twat off League of Their Own whose name I have tried deliberately to erase from my memory, Amy "Joke Thief" Shumer, it goes on and on. I ended up watching two more of Jims' specials on YouTube and now rate him as one of the funniest out there standing shoulder to shoulder with Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr. But, hey, comedy is selective, you'll either love him or not.

Shin Godzilla. Sky Movies.

I wanted to like this. I sat there willing to forgive in fervent hope that this would be the Godzilla to kick arse all the previous Godzillas. But when that rubber, dead eyed giant tadpole pulled itself into the city I sat there wide eyed thinking WTF? No, no, go with it, see how it progresses. Like giving birth to a giant turd I sat through the pain of it emerging onto my screen as the disappointment grew. The worst of it is, is that it is left wide open for a sequel. I think it's time to give up all hope of there ever being a decent Godzilla film. For shame.
"Why did they have to go and cut her for?" "She could have been used two, maybe three more times!"
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