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Old 15th April 2018, 06:22 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

I think the rot set in in the 90s with Kevin Smith. I like smiths films but thinking back on it he put the films on something of a pedestal that they didn't deserve.
Back in the 2000's fans like myself spent an awful lot of time berating kids for liking the films and complaining Lucas had ruined our childhoods by making a series of shitty prequels. Non of us really took into account the kids that actually enjoyed the films for what they are.
Now we have another bunch of star wars flicks and it feels a little like history repeating. I think with age I've realised the films are simply popcorn flicks. Nothing more, nothing less. Not some great cinematic statement on the nature of man and his place in the universe. So when I spend my time arguing over glorified children's movies I've started to realise I come across as another 30 something man child. Certainly some of the vitriol directed at the latest movies is starting to sound a little like Jack D Ripper from Dr Strangelove.
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