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Old 17th April 2018, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by hivemind View Post
Nobody's ultimately perfect, not even George Lucas (God bless him). I don't really know how many mooooooooooooooooooooooooore times I have to say this. Are you actually understanding this.

Lucas has something called "a coherent story" that actually makes sense. It's a fundamental rule when you create a story. It doesn't matter whether you have a plot that revolves around the Trade Federation or not. What actually matters in the long term is that the story has a clear objective. And in the longer process of a further two prequels, Lucas wraps up the story arc he set out to complete. This isn't the case with The Last Jedi. Abrams is now left with the biggest mess of non-connecting plot elements that don't seem to go anywhere. Johnson doesn't seem to understand the basic notion of this at all. Lucas did. It's extraordinarily simple keirarts. Its like learning the A, B, C's or 123. If you don't have a fully functionable story in the first place, you might as well go hide in a cave like a hermit and eat Porgs for the rest of your life with some green milk for company.

And you don't need others on YT to tell you any differently either. We all have a brain and something called individual thought, rather than Mr. Plinkett telling you how bad The Phantom Menace is on wonderful YT.
I understand what your saying. I just think your wrong.
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