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Old 19th April 2018, 07:27 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Playing new god of war, a lot has changed since the old games we have a semi open world combat has changed no high combos here we have heavy and light attacks which are assigned to R1 R2. You now have an axe which can be throwing and returns , your son who's AI is good and can be used too destract enimes and is quite intelligent. Armour and weapons can be upgraded and runes added. This a slower and older Kratos with his best days behind him, but you still wouldn't want to get him angry. The game looks amazing and has too be one of the best looking games in have ever seen. The story is keeping me interested, the voice actor who used to play Kratos has been replaced and takes a little getting used to, but the voice might be familiar to some as it's Christopher Judge from Stargate SG-1.

Best way too described the game is if Uncharted and God of war had a baby.
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