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Old 24th June 2018, 10:19 PM
Gothmogxx Gothmogxx is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Scotland.
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I'm way behind here: i'm actually about to start Hand of Fear! So to catch up-

This really is the last of the Barry Letts era. He's gone but Terror of the Zygons is the last Story which feels like it has any true connection to that era and in particular, UNIT (mere mentions and cameos in Pyramids of Mars, Android Invasion and Seeds of Doom don't really count). But at least its a good send-off.

I watched it as it was originally broadcast so opted to skip the new scene in Episode 1. But for the record, any other time I watch it, I would watch it with that scene. Its nice to have "new" Tom, Lis and Ian to watch.

Oh I love this one. What is there not to like?

The direction: Camfield is back and on fire. Zygon Harry and Sarah in the barn, Broton as he watches events through the camera, the close-ups...

Sarah and Angus at the Inn. Its an innocent scene at the start but turns pure sinister as Angus explains the disappearances due to the monster, with excellent music playing.

Tom has really settled into the role. By the end of the first production block (this may be Season 13's opening, but it was filmed and intended to end Season 12) he had nailed his style.

The Music - Heavy, laden with atmosphere, dripping with suspense and then it can become almost ghostly, celestial and beautiful.
The Zygons themselves - yup, they are wonderful. Such a wonderful design. They may share characteristics with other monsters we've seen so far but they are used so well it doesn't matter. Broton is a good boss as well.
Tracking the Zygon in the woods - we don’t see much, but it’s superbly well directed and as a Benton fan, its nice to get to see him involved in taking charge for a change.
‘’Harry’’ being chased out of the village and attacking Sarah in the barn - again, a masterpiece of directing, acting and scoring. You really have to see it yourself to understand just how chilling this scene is. We have had nothing of this standard in Doctor Who so far.

The Monster chasing the Doctor across the moor - yes, I know the Skarasen gets mocked but as its a cyborg, can't you just excuse its strange movements due to what it is? its not a full on dinosaur, its part machine. I love the way its built up and used as a threat.

UNIT - the organisation is on fire again. As much as I like 1971-1974 UNIT it does come across as a cosy family unit of sorts where they will always save the day. But the organisation feels more real here, like in the early Pertwee days. Can't complain, it comes off very well onscreen. I just wish they had more Stories beyond this point in the near future, if only once every one or two Seasons...

A mixture of all the right things is the best way to describe this Story. The direction, the actors, the music, the atmosphere, the monsters, UNIT...

We've seen the end of UNIT as a respected component of the show. This was the last hurrah of the classic 60's/70's UNIT and Battlefield is sadly 14 years off. The Brig is gone for 8 years and Benton and Harry leave as respected characters and should have stayed gone along with UNIT (more on that when I cover the appearances in The Android Invasion and, to a certain extent, Seeds of Doom). It was fun while it lasted though and it did save Doctor Who when Pertwee took over. A perfect component for the show, I will miss it.
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