Thread: Universal
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Old 26th June 2018, 08:44 AM
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Paul Zombie Paul Zombie is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Southport

my favorite univesal monster is the Wolf man with Lon chany were after going home to his father Claude rains , he meets a girl who runs a antique shop. when hes in the shop he buys a silver headed cane with a wolf on the end. the girl tells him it is a werewolf. afterwards a friend of the girl gets attacked by a wolf and he kills the wolf with the cane, but not before the wolf biting him.
then a old gypsy woman tells him that the wolf he killed is her son but was actually a werwolf and that he has the curse as well now.
when the full moon appears the curse comes true and he goes on the rampage.

extremely good werewolf film 95.5 out of 100.
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