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Old 10th July 2018, 10:49 AM
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Paul Zombie Paul Zombie is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Southport

The house by the cemetery. Norman and his wife lucy and the son bob, with the funny voice, move to a creepy house in Boston. eventhough Bob warns them not to after seeing visions of a spooky little girl. Lucy isnt happy at all with the house because of a tomb under the floor and being next to a cemetery. many strange things start happening and brutal murders to an estate agent and weird Anne the babysitter who i saw in Inferno.

this is also a very good film and i enjoy the weird vibes and the creepy zombie living in the cellar, and i also laugh at the strange unxplained things like when anne is mopping up a pool of blood but lucy just acts as if nothing is there and nothing is explained. high scoring for this one 96.8 out of 100.
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