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Old 17th August 2018, 01:56 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Winchester. 2018.

Widow Sarah Winchester believes she is being haunted by souls of people that have been killed by the rifles her husband made and builds a mansion to confuse the ghosts. A doctor was summond to see if she is being haunted or loosing her mind at the loss of her husband and infant.

Two sides to this movie, this can be a genuine haunted house movie, but also seeing things from Sarah Winchester point of view of grief with her family and blame of the victims that were gunned down by the rifle.

Helen Mirren plays the main character well that you feel some sympathy for her and is she actually believing ghosts are there to torment or is she loosing her mind. Jason Clarke plays the doctor who is sent to her and has a non clear head.

There is some things that did happen and typical hollywood add in extra bits, parts of it were accurate that in 1906 part of the house was damaged by a earthquake..or was it something else. Downside to this was seeing different trailers that spoiled some supposidly jumpy bits, best watched with a open mind. 6-7 out of 10.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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