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Old 24th August 2018, 11:17 AM
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Paul Zombie Paul Zombie is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Southport

Happy Birthday To Me.

Ginny(Melissa sue Anderson) attends a posh school called Crawford academy and hangs out will a clique of rich kids known as the top 10.
But a insane maniac is murdering them one by one starting with a girl called Bernadette who gets her throat cut Argento style.

as it turns out Ginny has had a lot of problems in her life as she never used to be popular before in school, and was involved in a bad accident that killed her alcoholic mother and left Ginny needing brain surgery.

this i found was a very entertaining and well made slasher film, although it is more of a giallo type thriller than a straight out slasher. the killer wears the black gloves and the style of the murders make me think that the director had seen a few Italian horrors.

Actor Glen ford also co stars in it as the creepy psychiatrist chap who was Ginny's doctor after the accident.

a bit long and at times confusing this is still a classic which i rate very highly, and is a cut above it's rivals .and award it 85.7 out of 100.

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