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Old 9th October 2018, 01:39 PM
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Roughale Roughale is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Originally Posted by gag View Post
The main thing over last few seasons what bugged me is if you seriously want your enemy dead you would kill them asap first chance you get (like sheriff out of Bates motel does no messing around ) you wouldn't capture them talk to them, torture , keep them prisoner or what ever for them to escape and back to square one.
True, but you have to take in account that this is a TV series and some things just don't work that way in a series. Which is the biggest disadvantage TWD faces, it has a subject that we know (and love) from movies and in movies a big part is the constant worry for the main cvharacters - but in a series the main characters are a bit like immortal, so the tension and worry for them is gone. So we also get a lot of soap opera elements, which seems to be a problem for many as well... It is a tough road and maybe it is about time to move on with a pretty much new gang, as Fear the Walking Dead did, as sad as I would be to lose most of the main cast, their immortality kills the show a bit...
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