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Old 6th January 2019, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I notice you mention Rocky there, gag.

In my opinion Creed is as good if not better than any of the Rocky sequels. I've also heard Creed II is very good as well.

As for modern films being all flashy action and no substance i do agree to a certain extent, however MI: Fallout which i've just seen recently is quite possibly the best action film from the 21st century. (Please don't go into one of your Tom Cruise rants - we've heard it before )

I also noticed mention of The Towering Inferno, like you i too regard that as a stone cold classic. In comparison to the Mission Impossible film the recent Skyscraper was tragic. Sure it was enjoyable very throw away nonsense, but it took the best ideas from The Towering Inferno and Die Hard and really failed to deliver at all in comparison.

As for Netflix in comparison to video shops? I think Netflix is far too disposable. If you paid your two pounds for a video you'd feel compelled to watch it all the way through so you got your money's worth. With Netflix you pay a fiver a month (How much is Netflix by the way?) and if a film doesn't grab you in five minutes then it's onto the next one. I don't mean you personally byt he way, i mean in general that's what happens.
There is loads of films I could have mention they where just some that have made a lasting impression , and didn't want to mention the constant films that get mention eg TCM ,clockwork orange , exorcist etc, creed II is a fine eg of how they can if the put their minds to it still make very very good films , but tend to be more not so good than good these days.
I tend to laugh at that comment when talking and saying you ...because its a figure of speech but people think that you're meaning them the person you talking to .
And not to worry I wasn't going to on any rant about Tom cruise or any other actor I can't take to.
I try and go cinema more often , but not much excites me enough these days and sometimes we go for something to do and get us out the house , and just a curious Q? To anyone what was the last decent comedy film wise that you really enjoyed since year 2000
Over past 15 \ 20 yrs I can only say less than a handful I've liked , games night \ American pie reunion , and kick ass yes even tho Nic cage is in it ..
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