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Old 26th January 2010, 12:04 AM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Liverpool, UK

I thought Kill Bill was absolute cack. There was nothing redeeming about it, except for how hot Daryl Hannah looked. IMO anyhow.

The Funhouse
Never seen this 'scoped before - what a revelation the Arrow DVD is! I all ready had a lot of regard for it but now I have seen the photography fully I have even more respect for it. A very decent flick.

The Burning
Again, a revelation. Although I have sat through uncut prints of this film many times before, I feel like I have only just seen it properly for the first time. The R1 MGM release is a beautiful, bright and clear print. So many things had been lost in shadows and I have seen them for the first time. A damned decent film, I think, certainly better than Friday The 13th. A fine achievement in the world of low budget slashers/killer in the woods films.

The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
I was expecting this to be grim viewing, and the opening forty minutes or so did not let me down. Tedious, dull and formulaic rendering of the much loved story. I'm not a Lewis fan, but was intrigued to see what the film was like. I wisecracked my way through the start only for the film to pick up slightly once the action kicks in! OK, so it's still pretty bad, but at least it was now watchably bad. The sentimentality of heroism schtick is laid on with a trowel and at times you think it is going to collapse, but it just about manages to get to the end without inducing projectile vomiting. It's a bad film, but far less bad than I expected or the first chunk would have you believe.
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