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Old 1st February 2019, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Gothmogxx View Post
Ghost Light.

I didn't exactly get it but I enjoyed it if that makes sense. I'm sure on re-watch it'll be easier to take in. The sets were amazing, along with the Gothic atmosphere. McCoy was on fire and Ace was the best she's ever been.
It's really strange. When i first saw Ghost Light i had no idea what it was about, i just loved the atmosphere. Now i fully understand the plot and it seems fairly straightforward, it just takes some figuring out.

It's basically about a survey ship which crash landed and everyone in the house is a result of the survey and evolution itself. From Josiah to the husks in the basement. Once you are on this train of thought and not hoping for a Sontaran invasion fleet or Doctor Who in it's typical form then it becomes one of the very best Doctor Who stories with so many secrets i learn something new each time i watch it. You don't get that from Genesis of the Daleks.
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