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Old 25th June 2019, 06:23 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Master
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Awakening – Part 1
The Doctor : Hello? I saw you enter. All I want is Tegan's bag. What have you done with her? I know you can hear me. (The sound of warfare drifts inside.) Gunpowder.
(The shouting gets very loud. The Doctor clutches his head. Suddenly it stops as a young man breaks through a blocked up door. He speaks with a Mummerset accent.)
Chandler: Sorry it took me so long. Thought he'd never eat.
The Doctor : Who are you? I'm the Doctor.
Chandler: Doctor? That don't be a proper name. Will Chandler be a proper name.
(The Doctor steps forward and the young man grabs a piece of stone.)
The Doctor : I won't hurt you.
Chandler: I will hit 'ee. My hand's hurting.
The Doctor : Show me. (The Doctor examines his right arm.) What were you doing in there?
Chandler: It's a priest hole, innit. I hid from fighting.
The Doctor : What fighting?
Chandler: What fighting? Ere, where you been then?
The Doctor : What year is this?
Chandler: Ah, I knows that one. Year sixteen hundred and forty three.
The Doctor : Sixteen hundred and forty three.
Chandler: Is the battle done?
The Doctor : Er, yes, Will. Battle's done. (Tegan and Turlough run in. Will hides behind a pew.) Ah, just in time.
Tegan: Time? We almost didn't make it.
Turlough: We have to get out of here.
Tegan: There's something very strange going on.
The Doctor : Yes, I know.
Turlough: Who is that?
The Doctor : Will Chandler.
Chandler: Sir?
Tegan: Where did he come from?
The Doctor : Ah, well, that's something we're going to have to talk about.
The Awakening – Part 2
Tegan: Fortunately, most of them end up safely locked away.
Hutchinson: Insight is often mistaken for madness, my dear.
Wolsey: I didn't realise that the Malus was so evil.
Hutchinson: Don't worry, Wolsey. It will serve us.
Tegan: It will use you.
The Doctor : Tegan's right. You're energising a force so irresistibly destructive that nothing on Earth can control it. You must stop the war games.
Hutchinson: Stop it? Are you mad? You speak treason.
(Hutchinson levels a pistol at the Doctor.)
The Doctor : Fluently! Stop the games.
Hutchinson: Eliminate him, Wolsey. Now.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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