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Old 27th June 2019, 07:05 PM
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Inspector Abberline Inspector Abberline is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Feb 2013
Blog Entries: 7
Default Episode 14: The Trevi Collection


What surprises me about the series is that they never used witchcraft more often in the series,especially as you would think there would be quite a bit of mileage out of the subject, and lots of potential. Any how The Trevi Collection is a nicely done story,that centres around the fashion industry, where Nina Foch as Madame Trevi,the head of a model and fashion agency is suspected of being a witch and the culprit of some weird deaths..Kolchak, with the help of a model, Lara Parker as Madelaine,tries to find out who is responsible for the strange events. What i enjoy about this episode, is that it gives you all the clichés that go with modern witchcraft and covens, and then pulls the rug from under you and sends it self up, see the scene where Kolchak is duped into going to a ceremony, cowls and all, only for it to be a con to set him off on the wrong track, the scene is great until the end where Lara Parker as Madelaine, decides to go mental and laughs like a lunatic, it really does grate, she starts to look like Karen Black at the end of the zuni doll episode of Trilogy Of Terror, very weird.As always there's some splendid dialogue between kolchak and his editor Vincenzo..
Kolchak. They gave me a time limit.
Vincenzo..Very generous
Kolchak.....60 hours.
Vincenzo .Sixty hours? How did you come up with that?
Vincenzo. Oh
Overall a great episode with a nice twist, no actual witches were harmed in the making of this episode.
Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much..

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