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Old 11th July 2019, 09:20 PM
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Location: Ireland


Valentina a beautiful model takes part in a drugs experiment but its not all fun and games when she witnesses a murder. Afterwards no one will believe her story once they realise that drugs were involved. When she turns to the cops they tell her it was a flashback to a murder from six months previous but the killer nor the victim are the ones she saw that day. Did the drugs alter her perception of the event or was there even an event to begin with.

It's hard to review a Giallo when the slightest slip could ruin the film so let's keep it simple. Gallons of JB are swallowed beautiful woman come and go and there are plenty of dodgy characters lounging about up to no good. I did find that there was a little bit of a lul around the middle of the film but it soon picks up and we are back to business as usual. Of all the strange and wonderfully odd characters that show up none of them are just there to throw you off everyone of them has a purpose and plays an integral part. The killers weapon of choice was fantastic the metal spiked glove looks so brutal. As for the ending it was great i loved the twist and the resulting action.

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