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Old 15th July 2019, 05:45 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Master
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Remembrance Of The Daleks – Part 1
The Doctor: Whatever fired that weapon's trapped in there. There's no way out.
Gilmore: How can you be sure?
The Doctor: I've been here before.
(An army lorry drives in carrying a bunch of squaddies.)
Sergeant: Right, everybody out! Come on, quickly. Move it, move it. Squad, attention!
Gilmore: Stand at ease. Right, now the situation is this. we have an armed hostile pegged up in that lean-to shed. I want the squad to cover the entrance. No firing unless I give the command. Is that understood?
Soldiers: Yes, sir.
Gilmore: Remember, he's armed and hostile, so keep under cover as much as possible. Sergeant.
Sergeant: Sir.
Gilmore: Detail some men to clear these civilians.
Sergeant: Yes, sir. You two, come down with me and we'll sort this lot out. Now, let's have you all back as far as possible, please. Thank you, madam. There's nothing to be seen here.
Gilmore: Smith.
Mike: Yes, sir?
Gilmore: Take two men and get Matthews out of here.
Mike: Yes, sir. You two, fall out and follow me.
The Doctor: I don't think you realise what you're dealing with here.
Gilmore: Doctor, I assure you these men are hand picked. They can deal with anything, provided they can see it. Right men, take up positions.
(The Doctor joins Ace and Allison at Red 6 while Mike and the soldiers recover Matthews.)
Mike: Take his arms. Move him back to the truck.
(Something targets one of the soldiers and zaps him. There is a brief flash of his skeleton as he is flung back against some corrugated iron sheeting.)
The Doctor: Down!
Gilmore: Covering fire now! (Gilmore and the soldiers take up positions round and under the army lorry and send short bursts of bullets into the shed.) Cease firing! (The Doctor and Rachel run over to Gilmore.) Get down!
Rachel: What was it?
The Doctor: That was your death ray.
Rachel: I know that, but how? To transmit focused energy at that level, it's incredible. It's
The Doctor: Yes?
Rachel: It's beyond the realm of current technology.
Gilmore: If you can save the science lecture for a less precipitous moment. Now perhaps, Doctor, you could tell me what is going on?
The Doctor: You must pull your men back now. It's their only chance.
Gilmore: It's preposterous. We can't disengage now. Whoever is in there, my men can handle it. Sergeant!
The Doctor: Listen to me, Brigadier.
Gilmore: Group Captain. Group Captain Gilmore!
The Doctor: Nothing you possess will be effective against what's in there!
Sergeant: Sir?
Gilmore: Three men, rifle-grenades, even spread left right and centre. Fire on my command.
Sergeant: Yes, sir.
The Doctor: Captain, you're not dealing with human beings here.
Gilmore: What am I dealing with? Little green men?
The Doctor: No, Little green blobs in bonded-polycarbite armour.
Sergeant: Grenades are ready, sir.
The Doctor: Group Captain Gilmore.
Gilmore: Fire.
The Doctor: Humans.
Sergeant: Fire!
(KaBOOM and the shed is obliterated in a fireball. Ace joins the Doctor.)
Ace: That's some serious hardware. Did you see that, Professor? Unsophisticated, but impressive.
Gilmore: Smith!
Mike: Sir?
Gilmore: Get on the radio. Call up Blue Four and Six. Tell Four to pick up an ambulance on the way.
Mike: Yes, sir.
The Doctor: It doesn't matter how many men you get here. It isn't going to make any difference.
Gilmore: Doctor, my men have just put three high-explosive grenades into a confined area. Nothing even remotely human could have survived that.
The Doctor: That's the point group, Group Captain, it isn't even remotely human.
Remembrance Of The Daleks – Part 2
John: Can I help you?
The Doctor: A mug of tea, please.
John: Cold night tonight.
The Doctor: Yes, it is. Bitter, very bitter. Where's Harry?
John: Visiting his missus. She's in hospital.
The Doctor: Of course. It'll be twins.
John: Hmm? Your tea. Sugar?
The Doctor: Ah. A decision. Would it make any difference?
John: It would make your tea sweet.
The Doctor: Yes, but beyond the confines of my tastebuds, would it make any difference?
John: Not really.
The Doctor: But
John: Yeah?
The Doctor: What if I could control people's tastebuds? What if I decided that no one would take sugar? That'd make a difference to those who sell the sugar and those that cut the cane.
John: My father, he was a cane cutter.
The Doctor: Exactly. Now, if no one had used sugar, your father wouldn't have been a cane cutter.
John: If this sugar thing had never started, my great-grandfather wouldn't have been kidnapped, chained up, and sold in Kingston in the first place. I'd be a African.
The Doctor: See? Every great decision creates ripples, like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge, rebound off the banks in unforeseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences.
John: Life's like that. Best thing is just to get on with it.
(The little girl looks in the window at them, and leaves as the Doctor notices her.)
The Doctor: Did you see that?
John: See what?
The Doctor: Nothing. What would you do if you had a decision, a big decision?
John: How big?
The Doctor: Saving the world.
John: Really?
The Doctor: Really.
John: I wish you the best of luck.
The Doctor: Let's hope I make the right decision. Things could get unpleasant round here. I'd take a holiday if I were you.
John: Oh, sure. How long?
The Doctor: Two or three days. After that, it won't matter one way or the other. Thanks for the tea.
John: Any time. (The Doctor puts a coin on the counter and leaves. John picks it up.) Nineteen ninety one?

Remembrance Of The Daleks – Part 3
The Doctor: A long time ago, on my home planet of Gallifrey, there lived a stellar engineer called Omega.
Ace: Stellar? As in stars? You mean he engineered stars?
The Doctor: Ace!
Ace: Sorry. Go on.
The Doctor: It was Omega who created the supernova that was the initial power source for Gallifreyan time travel experiments. He left behind him the basis on which Rassilon founded Time Lord society, and he left behind the Hand of Omega.
Ace: His hand? What good was that?
The Doctor: No, no, not his hand literally. No, no, it's called that because Time Lords have an infinite capacity for pretension.
Ace: I've noticed that.
The Doctor: The Hand of Omega is a mythical name for Omega's remote stellar manipulator, a device used to customise stars with. And didn't we have trouble with the prototype.
Ace: We?
The Doctor: They.
Ace: And the Daleks want it so they can recreate the time travel experiments? But you said that both Dalek factions can already travel in time.
The Doctor: Oh yes, Daleks have got time corridor technology, but it's very crude and nasty. What they want is the power that Time Lords have, and they'll get that with the Hand of Omega, or so they think.
Ace: And you have to try and stop them.
The Doctor: No, Ace, I want them to have it.
Ace: Eh?
The Doctor: My problem is trying to stop Group Captain Gilmore and his men getting diced in the crossfire.
Ace: So, all this is
The Doctor: A massive deception, yes.
Ace: Oh, well devious. So the Daleks grab the Hand of Omega and go, and no one gets hurt. Brilliant.
The Doctor: Just one thing.
Ace: What?
The Doctor: I didn't expect two Dalek factions, and now I've got to make sure the wrong ones don't get their grubby little protuberances on it.
Ace: Shouldn't we take Mike?
The Doctor: No. Dalek hunting is a terminal pastime.
Ace: So what are we doing?
The Doctor: Dalek hunting.
Remembrance Of The Daleks – Part 4
Davros [on screen]: The Daleks shall become Lords of Time! We shall become all
The Doctor: Powerful. Crush the lesser races. Conquer the galaxy. Unimaginable power. Unlimited rice pudding, et cetera, et cetera.
Davros [on screen]: Do not anger me, Doctor. I can destroy you and this miserable, insignificant planet.
The Doctor: Oh, wonderful. What power, what brilliance. You can wipe out the odd civilisation, enslave the occasional culture, but it still won't detract from the basic fundamental truth of your own impotence!
Rachel: Careful, Doctor.
The Doctor: (covers the microphone) Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.
Davros: I will teach you the folly of your words, Doctor. I will destroy you and demonstrate the power of the Daleks!
The Doctor [on screen]: Davros, I beg of you, don't use the Hand.
Davros: Ah, Doctor, now you begin to fear.
The Doctor [on screen]: You're making a grave mistake.
Davros: Activate the Omega device!
Dalek: Omega device activated.
(A little star flies out of the Mothership.)
Dalek 2 : Plotting course to home planet Skaro.
Davros: Now the Daleks shall become the Lords of Time!
Dalek 2: Entering Skaro time zone. First stage expansion. Primary neutrino release.
Dalek: Core collapse instigated.
Dalek 2: Danger! Instability! Reaction out of control.
Davros: No, this cannot be correct!
Dalek: Home planet Skaro about to vapourise.
(The Hand leaves the system as the star goes supernova and takes the planets with it.)
Davros: You have tricked me!
The Doctor [on screen]: No, Davros. You tricked yourself.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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