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Old 25th July 2019, 05:46 AM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Master
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The End Of The World
Rose: But, hold on. They did this once on Newsround Extra. The sun expanding, that takes hundreds of years.
Doctor: Millions, but the planet's now property of the National Trust. They've been keeping it preserved. See down there? Gravity satellites holding back the sun.
Rose: The planet looks the same as ever. I thought the continents shifted and things.
Doctor: They did, and the Trust shifted them back. That's a classic Earth. But now the money's run out, nature takes over.
Rose: How long's it got?
Doctor: About half an hour and then the planet gets roasted.
Rose: Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?
Doctor: I'm not saving it. Time's up.
Rose: But what about the people?
Doctor: It's empty. They're all gone. No one left.
Rose: Just me, then.
(A blue-skinned person with golden slit eyes strides towards them.)
Steward: Who the hell are you?
Doctor: Oh, that's nice, thanks.
Steward: But how did you get in? This is a maximum hospitality zone. The guests have disembarked. They're on their way any second now.
Doctor: That's me. I'm a guest. Look, I've got an invitation. Look. There, you see? It's fine, you see? The Doctor plus one. I'm the Doctor, this is Rose. She's my plus one. Is that all right?
(The Doctor puts away the piece of apparently blank paper he was showing to the steward.)
Steward: Well, obviously. Apologies, et cetera. If you're on board, we'd better start. Enjoy.
(The Steward goes over to a lecturn.)
Doctor: The paper's slightly psychic. It shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time.
Rose: He's blue.
Doctor: Yeah.
Rose: Okay.

…............................................... .....
Jabe: The metal machine confirms. The spider devices have infiltrated the whole of Platform One.
Cassandra: How's that possible? Our private rooms are protected by a code wall. Moisturise me, moisturise me.
Moxx: Summon the Steward.
Jabe: I'm afraid the Steward is dead.
Moxx: Who killed him?
Cassandra: This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Boe. He invited us. Talk to the Face. Talk to the Face.
Doctor: Easy way of finding out. Someone bought their little pet on board. Let's send him back to master.
(The Doctor puts down the spider that Jabe was scanning, and it scuttles off to Cassandra and scans her, then goes to the black gowned group.)
Cassandra: The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. J'accuse!
Doctor: That's all very well, and really kind of obvious, but if you stop and think about it (He goes over to the Adherants. Their leader tries to hit him, so he pulls of its arm.) A Repeated Meme is just an idea. And that's all they are, an idea. (He pulls one of the wires dangling from the arm, and the Adherants all collapse.) Remote controlled Droids. Nice little cover for the real troublemaker. Go on, Jimbo. Go home.
(The Doctor gives the spider a nudge, and it returns to Cassandra.)
Cassandra: I bet you were the school swot and never got kissed. At arms!
(Her attendants raise their spray guns.)
Doctor: What are you going to do, moisturise me?
Cassandra: With acid
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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