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Old 17th August 2019, 11:34 AM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Location: Ireland


An actual authorized look at the life of Kurt Cobain documenting the meeting of his parents their marriage welcoming Kurt into the world his troubled childhood his rise to stardom and his rapid descent into drugs and his tragic death.

As someone who loved Nirvana so so much this was a very very hard watch this is not about Nirvana this is all about the struggles of Kurt and how hard it all was on him. Everyone who starts a band wants to make it big but who could be prepared for how fast they just blew up and almost took over the world even more so for a person who was so emotional and fragile. It was nice to see his mother and father tell their side of things just to put a different side to the story. It doesn't matter if you love or hate Courtney i still feel it was important that she had her say also like it or not she is a big part of this story and we need to hear from all those involved. Even to this day when i see Krist Novoselic talk about Kurt is breaks my heart i can see how much his misses him and how raw it still is.

The documentary is shot using animations voice recordings and different versions of the songs of the band and some home video footage. The whole thing has a very melancholic atmosphere it almost makes you feel what it must of been like to be inside Kurt's head. The worst part of this documentary has to be the homevideos with Courtney showing them strung out looking like they were living the junkie lifestyle in a dingy apartment and even worse was the part with him out of his mind struggling to stay away while playing with his baby daughter Francis it was both heartbreaking and f**king discusting. No one wants to see their childhood hero like that we all have a rose tinted view of our heros and we like to hold onto that because in our eyes they cannot do any wrong so it hurts when we realise they are flawed. I did like that they just ended it with words on screen about his death and did not focus on it just mentioned it and left it there.

I was first exposed to Nirvana when my cousin left a bag of tape with me when he went off to join the army and it had Bleach and Nevermind which had just released within he was very adamant that i listen to those two albums and as a 10 year old this had a massive impact on me i mean it shaped who i would become and i am forever grateful to my cousin for this. For the next 3 years Nirvana became such a massive part of my life its what got me through some very troubled teenage years. People talk alot of shit about Nirvana and Kurt in particular but for myself and millions of others what he did for us will never be forgotten and we will be forever grateful. I still remember the night he died it was around 3am and i would tune in a rock radio show that came in on the AM frequency so it wasn't the best quality but it was the only decent thing on the radio and they interrupted a song to break the news i was absolutely devastated the next few weeks i was in limbo and didn't know what to do with myself and even to this day its the most devastated i have ever been. You may wonder if your still reading this why the hell is he waffling on about this shit Well its important to understand the sort of impact a behind the scenes doc like this has on a fan and not just a casual onlooker with a passing interest.

A rather emotional ride out of 10
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