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Old 19th August 2019, 04:52 AM
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Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. An ageing movie star whose career is in decline and his best mate/stunt double/gopher careen blindly around the fairytale land of Hollywood in 1969, blissfully unaware of the danger that may soon be coming their - and their Hollywood next door neighbours, director Roman Polanski and his starlet wife Sharon Tate - way. Brad Pitt and Leonard DiCaprio star in the latest magnum opus from Quentin Tarantino, which I have to say, despite not being overly enthused by the trailer of, I thoroughly enjoyed and have to rank as the best film I've seen at the cinema so far this year. Hugely indulgent but enormously fun, and - despite what you might think/expect given some of the subject matter, and some tense scenes - probably the closest thing to an all-out comedy he's done. Whether it will stand up to repeat viewings I don't know - to be honest, pretty much none of his do for me bar Pulp Fiction - but this was enormous fun. Last month I saw Crawl, which was like 87 minutes and felt like three hours. This is nearly 3 hours but felt much shorter. Great stuff.
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