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Old 24th August 2019, 08:38 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Various criminals are brought to a island to take part in a death match style contest which is being streamed across the world. Little to the makers of the show know that one of the contestants is innocent and is stone cold Steve Austin. Surprisingly violent with Vinney Jones making a good villain, especially when he goes " twisted fire started ". 7.5/10

Taking place straight after the end of the first film , Kane goes on another killing spree, this time in the morgue he was brought to, it's unclear if he comes back from the dead or has some super healing that's brought on by people screwing in front of him. Some nice gruesome kills, but it has to be the largest morgue on the planet. 7/10

Actually enjoyed this more than the last few times I've seen it, the pod race is still overlong and the young actor playing Anakin is awful. Also it kills off the two more interesting characters . Is it just me or is Obi Wan a bit of a cock end ? 7/10

Now watching attack of the clones.
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