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Old 27th August 2019, 06:06 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Master
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Riley: Find the next number in the sequence 313, 331, 367
Martha: You said the crew knew all the answers.
Riley: The crew's changed since we set the questions.
Martha: You're joking.
The Doctor: 379
Martha: What?
The Doctor: It's a sequence of happy primes. 379
Martha: Happy what?
The Doctor: Just enter it.
Riley: Are you sure? We only get one chance.
The Doctor: Any number that reduces to one when you take the sum of the square of its digits. And you continue iterating until it yields one is a happy number. Any number that doesn't, isn't. A happy prime is a number that is both happy and prime. Now type it in! I don't know, talk about dumbing down! Don't they teach recreational mathematics any more?


Scannell: What's your favourite colour?
Riley: You what?
Scannell: It's the question.
Riley: Purple! Or did I say orange?
Scannell: Come on!


Computer: Airlock recompression completed.
(The Doctor has his eyes closed tight as he takes off his helmet and crawls out of the airlock. The pod docks.)
Martha: Doctor! Doctor! Are you okay?
(The Doctor opens his eyes briefly. A white light shines from them.)
The Doctor: Stay away from me!
McDonnell: What's happened?
The Doctor: It's your fault, Captain McDonnell!
McDonnell: Riley, get down to area ten and help Scannell with the doors. Go!
(Riley runs off.)
The Doctor: You mined that sun. Stripped its surface for cheap fuel. You should have scanned for life!
McDonnell: I don't understand.
Martha: Doctor, what are you talking about?
The Doctor: That sun is alive. A living organism. They scooped out its heart, used it for fuel, and now it's screaming!
McDonnell: What do you mean? How can a sun be alive? Why is he saying that?
The Doctor: Because it's living in me.
McDonnell: Oh, my God.
The Doctor: Humans! You grab whatever's nearest and bleed it dry! You should have scanned!
McDonnell: It takes too long. We'd be caught. Fusion scoops are illegal.
The Doctor: You've got to freeze me, quickly.
Martha: What?
The Doctor: Stasis chamber. You've got to take it below minus two hundred. Freeze it out of me! It'll use me to kill you if you don't. The closer we get to the sun, the stronger it gets! Med-centre, quickly! Quickly!


[Francine's home]
(Francine answers her mobile phone.)
Francine: Hello?
Martha: It's me again.
Francine: Three calls in one day.
Martha: I'm sorry about earlier. Over emotional. Mad day.
Francine [OC]: What are you doing tonight?
[Francine's home]
Francine: Why don't you come round? I'll make something nice and we can catch up.
Martha: Yeah. Tonight. Do my best. Er, just remind me. What day is it again?
Francine [OC]: Election day.
Martha: Right. Of course. I'll be round for tea. Roughly.
[Francine's home]
Francine: And what about
Martha [OC]: Anyway, I've got to go!
Martha: See you later. Love you.
[Francine's home]
(The blonde woman takes out her ear buds and holds out an evidence bag. Francine drops her mobile phone into it. Two men in black stand silently by.)
Francine: That's all?
Dexter: For now. Have you voted?
Francine: Of course. Just don't expect me to tell you who for.
Dexter: Thanks for all you're doing, Mrs Jones. Mister Saxon will be very grateful.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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