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Old 28th August 2019, 06:25 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Master
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Human Nature
(The Doctor and Martha run into the Tardis, closely followed by a blast from an energy weapon.)
The Doctor: Get down! (Bang! The Doctor slams the door shut.) Did they see you?
Martha: I don't know.
The Doctor: But did they see you?
Martha: I don't know. I was too busy running.
The Doctor: Martha, it's important. Did they see your face?
Martha: No, they couldn't have.
The Doctor: Off we go! (He sets the Tardis in motion.) Argh! They're following us.
Martha: How can they do that? You've got a time machine.
The Doctor: Stolen technology. They've got a Time Agent's vortex manipulator. They can follow us wherever we go, right across the universe. They're never going to stop, unless. I'll have to do it. Martha, you trust me, don't you?
Martha: Of course I do.
The Doctor: Because it all depends on you.
Martha: What does? What am I supposed to do?
(He holds out an ornately decorated pocket watch.)
The Doctor: Take this watch, because my life depends on it. This watch, Martha. The watch is
[Doctor's room]
(The Doctor is lying on a bed in an old-fashioned wood panelled room. A clock is ticking. There are voices in the corridor outside. He gets up, and there is a knock on the door.)
The Doctor: Come in.
(Martha enters, carrying a breakfast tray and wearing maid's uniform complete with little cap. She turns her back when she sees he isn't fully dressed.)
Martha: Pardon me, Mister Smith. You're not dressed yet. I can come back later.
(He puts on a dressing gown.)
The Doctor: No, it's all right, it's all right. Put it down. I was er. Sorry, sorry. Sometimes I have these extraordinary dreams.
(Martha puts the tray down on a table by the leather settee and draws the curtains.)
Martha: What about, sir?
The Doctor: I dream I'm this adventurer. This daredevil, a madman. The Doctor, I'm called. And last night I dreamt that you were there, as my companion.
Martha: A teacher and a housemaid, sir? That's impossible.
The Doctor: I'm a man from another world, though.
Martha: Well it can't be true because there's no such thing.
The Doctor: This thing. The watch is (He picks up the ornate pocket watch from the mantlepiece for a moment then puts it back.) Ah, it's funny how dreams slip away. But I do remember one thing; it all took place in the future. In the Year of Our Lord two thousand and seven.
Martha: I can prove that wrong for you, sir. Here's the morning paper. It's Monday, November tenth, nineteen thirteen, and you're completely human, sir. As human as they come.
The Doctor: Mmm, that's me. Completely human.


(Latimer knocks on the door, and the Doctor opens it.)
Latimer: You told me to come and collect that book, sir.
The Doctor: Good lad. Yes. Yes! The Definitive Account of Mafeking by Aitchison Price. Where did I put it? And I wanted a little word. Your marks aren't quite good enough.
Latimer: I'm top ten in my class, sir.
The Doctor: Now, be honest, Timothy, you should be the very top. You're a clever boy. You seem to be hiding it. Where is that book? And I know why. Keeping your head low avoids the mockery of your classmates. But no man should hide himself, don't you think?
Latimer: Yes, sir.
(The Doctor searches the shelves of his library alcove, and Latimer notices the watch.)
The Doctor [OC]: You're clever. Be proud of it. Use it.
(Latimer picks up the watch and hears voices.)
Mother [watch]: Time Lord. Hide yourself.
The Doctor [watch]: The secret lies within. I'm trapped. I'm kept inside the cogs. (Latimer opens the watch, and outside in the grounds, Baines turns around.) In the dark, waiting. Always waiting. (Latimer closes the watch and puts it in his pocket. The Doctor returns with the book.) Fascinating details about the siege. Really quite remarkable. Are you all right?
Latimer: Yes, sir. Fine, sir.
The Doctor: Right then. Good. And remember. Use that brain of yours. The Doctor [watch] Power of a Time Lord. (As the Doctor hands the book to Latimer, he sees images of the Doctor using his sonic screwdriver.) You're really not looking yourself, old chap. Anything bothering you?
Latimer: No, sir Thank you, sir.


(The Doctor and Joan are walking along a cart track. There is a scarecrow nearby.)
Joan: Oh, it's all becoming clear now. The Doctor is the man you'd like to be, doing impossible things with cricket balls.
The Doctor: Well, I discovered a talent, that's certainly true.
Joan: But the Doctor has an eye for the ladies.
The Doctor: The devil.
Joan: A girl at every fireplace.
The Doctor: Ah, now, there I have to protest, Joan. That is hardly me.
Joan: Says the man dancing with me tonight.
The Doctor: That scarecrow's all skewed.
(They walk up to it, and the Doctor ties its arm back onto the cross-member.)
Joan: Ever the artist. Where did you learn to draw?
The Doctor: Gallifrey.
Joan: Is that in Ireland?
The Doctor: Yes, it must be, yes.
Joan: But you're not Irish?
The Doctor: Not at all, no. My father Sidney was a watchmaker from Nottingham, and my mother Verity was, er. Well, she was a nurse, actually.
Joan: Oh. We make such good wives.
The Doctor: Really? Right. Yes. Well, my work is done. What do you think?
Joan: Masterpiece.
The Doctor: All sorts of skills today!
(As they walk away, the scarecrow turns its head to watch them.)


Clark: There will be silence! All of you! (Scarecrows enter.) I said, silence!
Chambers: Mister Clarke, what's going on?
(He gets vapourised.)
Martha: Mister Smith? Everything I told you, just forget it! Don't say anything.
Baines: We asked for silence! Now then, we have a few questions for Mister Smith.
Lucy: No, better than that. The teacher. He's the Doctor. I heard them talking.
Baines: You took human form.
The Doctor: Of course I'm human. I was born human, as were you, Baines. And Jenny, and you, Mister Clark. What is going on? This is madness.
Baines: Ooo, and a human brain, too. Simple, thick and dull.
Jenny: But he's no good like this.
Clark: We need a Time Lord.
Baines: Easily done. (Baines steps forward and raises his ray gun.) Change back.
The Doctor: I don't know what you're talking about.
Baines: Change back!
The Doctor: I literally do not know
(Jenny grabs Martha, and puts a gun to her head.)
Martha: Get off me!
Jenny: She's your friend, isn't she? Doesn't this scare you enough to change back?
The Doctor: I don't know what you mean!
Jenny: Wait a minute. The maid told me about Smith and the Matron. That woman, there.
Clark: Then let's have you.
(Clark takes Joan and puts his gun to her head.)
Baines: Have you enjoyed it, Doctor, being human? Has it taught you wonderful things? Are you better, richer, wiser? Then let's see you answer this. Which one of them do you want us to kill? Maid or matron? Your friend or your lover? Your choice.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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