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Old 7th October 2019, 07:10 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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A man whose wife died in a fire, is left a house by a uncle whom he's never heard of, arriving at the bizarre looking house, the farther is told that the house is haunted and his uncle was a crazy occultist of course he's not believed . But the family's minds are soon changed when they become trapped in the house and the ghosts start to manifest themselves. The stars of the film is the design of the house, the ghosts and Matthew Lillard. 7/10

Watched the first two episodes of The Stand. The first the plaque is unleashed and we meet the main charcaters, second is mostly our characters meeting up and Randal Flagg making is dark presence felt. Still holds up today and it's quite a surprise all the big names and famous faces. Have to say my favourite characters are Rob Lowe and his gentle giant of a friend. Be interesting to see if the remake turns out half as good.
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