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Old 7th January 2020, 09:55 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Been watching voyage to the bottom of the sea.

Episode one.

Eleven days to zero.

Super sub the seaview is sent to try and stop a earthquake in the Antarctic that could destroy a large part of the world, a evil bond style agency and giant squid are some of the things that try too stop the sea view and it's crew.

Episode two

The city beneath the sea

Captain Crain is sent too investigate when a ship disappears, arriving at a small fishing village he hears rumours of a city beneath the sea.

Episode 3

The fear makers

The sea view is sent to investigate the disappearance of her sister ship, while on the search a enemy agent on board release a has that induces fear.

Episode four

The price of doom.

The crew of the sea view get involved in a coup.

Also been watching M*A*S*H just started season three. Poor old Henry
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