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Old 6th February 2020, 11:09 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

The Pharmacist

When a teen is murdered during a drug deal his father will not stop at anything to find out who shot his son. After gets to the bottom of it its not the end this is only the tip of the iceberg and a whole can of worms is opened up. The Father notices the amount of young people coming in to collect prescriptions of oxytocin and his next mission is to stop the use of opioid's. But this won't be easy everyone is crooked from local law enforcement to the DEA to the FBI how can one man take all these institutions alone.

Great show the Dad is a little bit over the top at some times through the series tape recording everything him his family and even the customers entering the store he worked in. But overall his heart was in the right place a bit too preachy with the God talk but each to their own.

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