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Old 23rd February 2020, 09:43 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Battle Royale. 2000.

In the future, the education system fails and encorporates a new act, the B.R. act. A class is chosen by lottery and the pupils are on a island, the rules are to kill each other within 3 days till one survives.

Only the Japanese can create a film like this and get away with the violence and blood splatter. Based on the novel by Koushun Takami, it does show how a modern culture with out of control kids can easily turn into a survival.

The actors playing the school kids don't go over the top and not outshine each other, it does show them having a laugh and thinking they are heading for a holiday then to turn on each other. It can be disturbing to some that the protagonists are seen as teenagers and some deaths may seem shocking with the styles of killings.

It's probably seen as it encourages kids to kill each other in ways that provokes kids into school massacres that have happened, to me IMO it's more like the government going to lengths in order to get discipline into the schools. It's a film that never get boring, just more entertaining.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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