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Old 30th March 2020, 03:09 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is online now
Cult Master
Cult Labs Radio Contributor
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


Dance Of The Drunken Mantis aka Drunken Master 2

Sam The Seed is a master of drunken boxing in the south and Rubber Legs is a master of Drunken Mantis style. Rubber Legs travels south to defeat Sam The Seed in order to prove he has the ultimate drunken style. Sam The Seed returns home after a long time to discover his wife has adopted a son called Foggy. Foggy is a bit of a fool but when he is forced to step up to the plate and take on Rubber Legs he too will become a master but Sam The Seed is in no state to train him after his first almost fatal encounter with Rubber Legs so Foggy turns to his uncle for his final lessons.

The fights are extremely creative and for the most part very silly but they flow beautifully with some comedy thrown in. My favourite fight scene has to be when Sam The Seed fights his wife it was hilarious with a very imaginative use of a broom . The wife has some unbelievable scenes shame she didn't have more her sword v spear scene was another top scene.

Overall fun silly and highly entertaining.

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