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Old 16th April 2020, 09:53 PM
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Graveyard Graveyard is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Southampton

A mute boy stumbles upon a teenage girl kidnapped and buried alive by three young psychopathic criminals who want to extort diamonds from her rich stepfather, but can he help her?

Wow! This movies could only be made in the 70's , full of twists with an amazing ending , Recommend 100% - I don't really care about slipcovers but this one from VS it's beautiful

Strange occurrences plague a small town detective and his family as he investigates the disappearance of a young boy.

Some movies are better watched without knowing about them - I stumble on this one I don't remember how any more.. but anyway from the poster looked like another ghost/spirit movie, the first 20 minutes of the movie I was already bored, after a while it started to warm up a little and around the 3rd act (50minutes of the movie) I was all in! Nice thriller with a couple of nice surprises, but bigger surprise was seeing the wax doll of Helen Hunt acting
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