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Old 10th June 2020, 08:59 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2012

Originally Posted by Demoncrat View Post
Unlikely, but to some one who hasn't seen even the cut version might appear quite nasty. Depends origin of release???? nicolas can you expand ta???
This is regarding The Vipco Release in 2002 which I did buy:

It was finally passed for video release in 2002 after a staggering 11 minutes 43secs of cuts which mostly removed the rape and assault scenes and heavily edited the razor-slashing of Cindy, the opening murder scene, and shots of Tony's head being slammed against a table.

The version I watched was the Shameless Release but I did have the American Version. Regarding the Shameless one, on the extras, I'm pretty sure that they had to battle to get the scenes in. Granted I haven't watched the extras for a long time but I'm pretty sure they mentioned Salo and/or other films which had similar scenes. There was a feature where a University Lecturer was giving a talk.

For the record, I believe that the Vipco version made the Rape scene a lot worse because all you saw were the faces and left it to the imagination.
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