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Old 28th June 2020, 12:01 AM
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iank iank is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Wicked Science: The Flies. The season 1 finale saw Toby de-genius both Elizabeth and himself, but left open that the latter still had the information on how to turn herself back. Season 2 picks up with everything apparently as it was, only to reveal that Elizabeth has already done so, and before long things are getting out of control . This is a fun, if unremarkable, start to season 2 that's just concerned with getting back to business as usual and setting up some new characters. Dina has gone (yay! She's supposedly moved away, but I like to think Elizabeth has her in a cage somewhere and occasionally pokes her with a stick ) and Toby has a new gal pal in Sasha. Making her his cousin is a clever move, giving them a pre-established relationship but removing any of that weird pseudo-romantic vibe he had with Dina (and, for obvious reasons, any of the jealousy Elizabeth had toward their relationship). We also have brother and sister Jack and Nikki. The latter doesn't do much here, though the former is almost instantly suspicious of the strange goings-on at this school . Interestingly, Elizabeth seems slightly different already; I'm not sure if it's the writing or just Bridget's performance, but she seems to be having a bit more fun and be a little less perpetually angry and stressed (she doesn't even yell at Verity or even Garth once the whole episode lol), while still clearly being vulnerable where Toby's concerned. An enjoyable beginning to a new season.
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