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Old 12th October 2020, 02:19 PM
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Inspector Abberline Inspector Abberline is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Feb 2013
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The Thing with Two Heads (1972)
Its quite amazing,it does not matter how ludicrous or preposterous a story might be,and let's be honest it does not get more ridiculous than a bigoted scientist who has a terminal illness,having a head transplant with a colored chap off of death row...And yet Ray Milland never phones in a performance, it does not matter if he is fighting frogs or looking through peoples clothes or feeding a two headed gorilla banana's... The Thing With Two Heads,is just a fun and bonkers flick,with I have to say has some great effects, I almost believed they severed Ray Millands head.....

I was amazed that someone had the audacity to remake Alfred Hitchcock's classic film, (although it isn't much of a surprise since its been ripped off and cloned ever since it was first released) even if they we're being as faithful and meticulous as possible, (although there is an argument,that what's the point of remaking something exactly when you could watch the original). Any way a lot of time has passed since my initial viewing of the Psycho remake,and while it cannot hold a candle to the original, it does how ever have a lot going for it,and that has something to do with the casting of Vince Vaughan as Norman Bates,which was one of the more controversial things people criticize the film for initially...

Dracula 2000 (2000)
Oh dear I should of listened to my instincts and stayed well clear of this piece of celluloid nonsense,of another retelling of the vampire legend...Gerard Butler is extremely miscast in the role of Dracula,although this was done well before he became a 2nd tier action hero,his gurning features and wooden acting was enough to want to drive a stake through my own heart...

The Mangler. (1995)
Well the lunacy continues with Tone Hooper's industrial killer folding bed sheet machine,there cannot be many horror movies set in a massive laundry...Robert England is the owner of an industril commercial laundry operation, for some reason he's in really heavy old age make-up and spouting an accent that is even more bizarre than the plot of this movie...Yet I always find something to like about Tobe Hoopers post TCM movies, I mean wants not to like a bout an old lady chewing machine,and a killer fridge..Although Health and Safety would have a field day,no Hi viz jackets to be seen,not even an eye drop station or first aid box any where, truly criminal...

The Cars That Ate Paris..(1974)
Peter Weir's car obsessed Australia is no where near as fun a place as say Mad Max 2 adventure land...Here we have a country going through a depression, with high unemployment and poverty spreading through the rural community...(now why does that sound familiar)..Two brothers are driving through the countryside looking for work,until there ran of the road by what looks like another cars headlights...The townsfolk who at first seem extremely helpful to the surviving brother have some rather extreme ulterior motives for keeping him in there midst...Cars That Ate Paris is classic piece of 1970s Aussie cinema,its a bleak and quite depressing at times look at what people will do when there backs against the wall...It shares the same sort of feel of Dead and Buried,with its rural community with it's shared secret...Its has a very oppressive atmosphere and just this weird off kilter feel....also who does'nt like cars covered in spikes...
Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much..

Last edited by Inspector Abberline; 12th October 2020 at 04:12 PM.
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