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Old 31st October 2020, 10:25 PM
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Wicked Science: Crazy For You. When one of Elizabeth's experiments is ruined by Verity and Garth failing to pay attention while she's absent, she creates an AI robot to ensure such things don't happen again. Unfortunately, said AI starts to become a little too obsessed with her... This is a hoot of an episode, with the AI managing to be genuinely creepy even while obviously being a parody/homage to 2001. Toby continues to frustrate me, continuing to run around like a headless chicken over Nikki - whose interest in him seems to run hot and cold - and while he manages to save the day and rescue Elizabeth, much to her gratitude and a little "moment" ensues between them, he then ruins it by running off to see Nikki. FFS. But the character development Elizabeth has undergone this season continues apace, primarily in the ever-warming relationship between her and Verity. Elizabeth actually apologising to Verity, at first casually and then more sincerely after she calls her on it, is almost as jawdropping to us as it is to Verity, and Elizabeth's embarrassed awkwardness at Verity hugging her, followed by a secret little smile, is genuinely heartwarming. This is another great episode and I continue to like season 2 a great deal more than season 1.
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