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Old 12th December 2020, 10:37 PM
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iank iank is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Wicked Science: Jack Makes His Move. Increasingly disconsolate over Toby and Nikki and the growing realisation that Toby might never want to be with her, Elizabeth is easy prey for a manipulative Jack. Initially agreeing to "hang out" solely as a last-ditch effort to try and make Toby jealous, Elizabeth is soon sucked in by Jack's seemingly sincere attention and affection, much to Verity's horrified disbelief, and even lets him into her secret lab...where Jack finds exactly what he's looking for: The secret to how she and Toby became geniuses. The first part of the 2-part finale is great stuff. It's telling how much Elizabeth is in desperate need of some positive attention and affection, and rather cruelly ironic that it's her softening this season that makes it so easy for Jack. Anger-driven Season 1 Elizabeth wanted fame and fortune and power, but all she's wanted this season is someone - preferably Toby - to share things with. Poor Elizabeth.
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