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Old 12th February 2021, 11:10 PM
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Scarlet Diva (2000)

Asia Argento directs and stars in this shot on digital expose of a couple of weeks in the life of Asia Argento.

Asia plays actress Anna Battista who after picking up an award in Hollywood, gets f*cked in her trailer, returns to Paris finds her best friend hogtied naked, buys drugs, takes drugs, gets f*cked, goes to a gig, gets f*cked by the singer, buys more drugs, goes to LA, gets sexually harassed in a hotel room by a movie exec for a blow job (Hmm, i wonder), reunites with rock star who tells her to f*ck off...

This is practically gorilla film making. It's rough, it's hard to watch at times but it's quite captivating all the same in it's exploration of a damaged individual seeking a way out. Scarlet Diva isn't something that everyone will like due to it's matter of factness regarding sex, drugs, more sex and more drugs but last night was my third viewing and i think it gets better every time.

Daria Nicolodi plays Anna's mother by the way.
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