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Old 24th February 2021, 08:35 PM
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Tribes of Europa

A German show, dubbed or original way with just subtitles are available,

A post-apocalypse set in 2074. After what was classed as black Friday when the end of 2029 the power of the world shut down causing society to go back to the dark ages and live of the land and survive by belonging to a tribe, war rages between the Tribes that have emerged from the wreckage of Europe.
Especially the crows who are the most powerful and feared of them all,
Everyone knows where they're based but no one knows how to find them or get into their territory, main storyline concentrated with Three siblings from the peaceful Origine tribe who are separated and forced to go their own paths after the crows attack them because a aircraft was shot down and everyone wants the black box that the pilot had because that seems to be the answer behind black Friday and one of the Origine tribe has the black box
Very well made and a show that keeps you watching, I started watching the first episode and before I knew it flew through the entire series in one day, 6 episodes 45min long, Role on season 2.
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